Love Always, Mommy 10th February 2010

Hi Angel, it's taken mommy along time (just about 2 years) to get to a point where I am ok. I have been to many memorial sites and read and read, but I had finally decided to do an online memorial for you. In a way, it's a bit helpful, even though it's been almost 2 days. Daddy doesn't know about this yet, but on his 40th birthday I am going to surprise him, well that's on 03/05, we are going to do it the day of his surprise party 02/27.. Your brother and sisters are getting daddy a Hawks training jersey with our name and your #, 23. Oh, we had a small earthquake here, about 50 miles from us, but we felt it. The whole house shook, even the bed and all. I will write again later, writing to you is helpful. I miss you so much and I tell your baby sister about you everyday. We all love you. Hugs and Kisses.